The C-Beautifier project

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Dear friends,
                      I have started this project keeping in mind the effort being put by people understand an undocumented C/C++ code. Other languages will also be added in the due course. This project plans to build a wizard through which, you can document a C/C++ source file by mearly answering some questions.

                      First of all let me introduce myself to you. I am a computer postgraduate from India. This is my first experience to develop a really live project. I don't know about the GUI programming. So initially I am starting with a console program. Later down the line in development cycle of this project, I will try to make it GUI based. Currently I am working on the this project, so as to produce an initial beta version as soon as possible.

                      If anybody out there is interested in helping me on this project, you can contact me on my e-mail address

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C - Beautifier project has been initiated today. (6th Aug 2004)
The C - Beautifier project has been initiated today with having got the permission from I want to thank them very much for this